Day 323

November 18

We put up the Christmas tree today. Mason is totally enthralled with the "balls" on the tree. Hopefully they stay out of his reach.

Day 322

November 17

Mason told me he wanted to support Daddy's football team. So I bought him a 49ers shirt. When he wears it he points at it and says "football".

Day 321

November 16

We met Corrin and Sophie at the park today to play.

Day 320

November 15

Weekly play date with Dominic. Those boys had fun with the puzzles.

Day 319

November 14

He found another toy at the park that wasn't his. He enjoyed watching me throw the frisby.

Day 318

November 13

He's a climber.

Day 317

November 12

This was a big step for Mason. He willingly sat on Papa's lap and watched football with him. 

Day 316

November 11

Panaca was really cold. The park we played it had tons of leaves all over. Mason and his cousins sure enjoyed playing in them. 

Day 315

November 10

We went to a store in Caliente and found some balls. He was so mad he couldn't pick two up at the same time. 

Day 314

November 9

Off to Panaca for the weekend with Jenna, Stacey, Grandma and Papa Belingheri and lots of cousins.

Day 313

November 8

He wasn't digging the bubbles tonight in his bath.

Day 312

November 7

Checking out the TVs at RC Willey. Mason got into the movie they were playing.

Day 311

November 6

He wouldn't take his thumb out of his mouth to hold the ball -he had to have both.

Day 310

November 5

We played at the park. Mason got a hold of another kids ball and wouldn't let it go.

Day 309

November 4

Sunday dinner. Tori loves being a "mom" for Mason.