Day 323

November 18

We put up the Christmas tree today. Mason is totally enthralled with the "balls" on the tree. Hopefully they stay out of his reach.

Day 322

November 17

Mason told me he wanted to support Daddy's football team. So I bought him a 49ers shirt. When he wears it he points at it and says "football".

Day 321

November 16

We met Corrin and Sophie at the park today to play.

Day 320

November 15

Weekly play date with Dominic. Those boys had fun with the puzzles.

Day 319

November 14

He found another toy at the park that wasn't his. He enjoyed watching me throw the frisby.

Day 318

November 13

He's a climber.

Day 317

November 12

This was a big step for Mason. He willingly sat on Papa's lap and watched football with him. 

Day 316

November 11

Panaca was really cold. The park we played it had tons of leaves all over. Mason and his cousins sure enjoyed playing in them. 

Day 315

November 10

We went to a store in Caliente and found some balls. He was so mad he couldn't pick two up at the same time. 

Day 314

November 9

Off to Panaca for the weekend with Jenna, Stacey, Grandma and Papa Belingheri and lots of cousins.

Day 313

November 8

He wasn't digging the bubbles tonight in his bath.

Day 312

November 7

Checking out the TVs at RC Willey. Mason got into the movie they were playing.

Day 311

November 6

He wouldn't take his thumb out of his mouth to hold the ball -he had to have both.

Day 310

November 5

We played at the park. Mason got a hold of another kids ball and wouldn't let it go.

Day 309

November 4

Sunday dinner. Tori loves being a "mom" for Mason.

Day 308

November 3

 Second haircut. We butchered his hair. Big mistake!

Day 307

November 2

Mason found a sucker in his Halloween bucket and loved it!

Day 306

November 1

Dominic came over to play today. They had so much fun throwing the ball at the wind chimes.

Day 305

October 31

Day 304

October 30

Ward Trunk-or-Treat. Mason was an elephant. Actually he was the cutest elephant.

Day 303

October 29

Mason didn't wake up too happy from his nap. He and I had some cuddle time together.

Day 302

October 28

Mason adores Kaden. He followed him all around the park today.

Day 301

October 27

Mason and Dad practiced their golf swing at the park.

Day 300

October 26

One of Mason's favorite places to play lately. Perched in the cabinet going through Dad's stuff.

Day 299

October 25

Mason sure had fun playing with Mike and Beth's dog, Summer. We have to get him a dog.

Day 298

October 24

He was just as obedient as the dog. He waited patiently until Kaden through the ball, then ran to go fetch it. 

Day 297

October 23

My boy is a genius! Sixteen months and he can write his own name. 

Day 296

October 22

When his blue blanket isn't around, my blanket {also from Grandma Leggett} does the trick. 

Day 295

October 21

Kisses for Daddy before bed.

Day 294

October 21

Ryan's, Mason's and Mom's pumpkins. The black globs were are best attempt at getting hand prints. 

Day 293

October 20

We carved pumpkins tonight. Mason had fun watching Dad carve his pumpkin, but when it was time to put hand prints on his own pumpkin we wasn't too happy. Actually, he HATED it! 

Day 292

October 19

He crashed {again} in the car today.

Day 292

October 18

Just having some fun before bedtime. 

Day 291

October 17

We were on our way to meet Dad for lunch, Mason didn't quite make it. 

Day 290

October 16

New kicks. I would have settled for the cheapest pair at Target. Ryan insisted on Nikes. Mason sure does love them. And he just couldn't leave home without his blanket today. 

Day 289

October 15

Just chillin', eating some Gold Fish, watching cartoons. Life's tough!

Day 288

October 14

I most certainly DID NOT give Mason a snack pack and a spoon and let him go at it so he'd be occupied for awhile while I got stuff done. 

Day 287

October 13

I gave him a picture of him and Lenny. I think he was upset that Lenny was in the picture. 

Day 286

October 12

Robb came over to play today. Mason got jealous when I held him. 

Day 285

October 11

There was a whole basket of these at the grocery store. It kept him entertained while I shopped. 

Day 284

October 10

This kid and balls! 

Day 283

October 9

Mason and Dominic showed some cousin love while leaving the gym today. 

Day 282

October 8 

We played in the kid  area at Town Square today. 

Day 281

October 7

The Hibbard boys came over to play today. Mason had a fun time wresting with them. 

Day 280

October 6

Today we tried giving him cereal to eat on his own; he did great!

Day 279

October 5

He is getting better at using a spoon by himself, although it may not look that way! 

Day 278

October 4

Mason is attached to his baby blanket Grandma Leggett made him. When his blanket isn't around his hat {made from the same yarn} does the trick!

Day 277

October 3

He's practicing his golf swing. He gets better and better every day. 

Day 276

October 2

Ha! Check out that bed head. 

Day 275

October 1

We picked up this hoop at a garage sale. Mason has been enjoying practicing his dunk.